If you would like any further information regarding Scilly Yacht Charters please send us an email or use the enquiry form here, please give us a few days to answer, as we may be busy out on the water, but do leave a message here and I will be back in touch.
Trips and safety aboard Jekamanzi
Although we would like to make this experience available to all, we would like to make it clear that sailing aboard Jekamanzi may be challenging for some.
Our utmost concern is your safety and enjoyment during your time with us, and as such we would ask you to read the following information carefully and make sure all members of your party are also made fully aware.
Getting to and from Jekamanzi is done via an inflatable tender which requires a reasonable level of mobility to board. The age of the islands' quays and jetties mean that boarding can be awkward, it requires stepping up or down a height onto uneven and/or slippery surfaces.
Boarding the yacht itself is done via a ladder at the back of the vessel (3 steps) up onto a platform. Going below decks is also via a five stepped gangway, both have plenty of handholds to assist you.
Ability and Suitability
Although a trip with us will be fine for most, it won't be suitable for everyone, certain medical conditions may preclude you from our trips, this may also include frail, elderly and very young people. Minimum age is 5 years. If you want to bring anyone under the age of 5 please contact us.
With all the information about our trips at hand we remind you that it is your responsibility to inform us of any medical conditions at point of booking and before boarding.
We retain the right to refuse anyone to board on health grounds or for any of the aforementioned reasons that are deemed to be an issue.
Any person appearing to be intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be allowed to board the vessel.
Likewise any person refusing to follow safety instructions from the crew will be refused passage. No refunds will be given if this happens and we will not be responsible for any additional costs incurred due to our refusal to carry you as a passenger.
Suitable Clothing
We would advise you to bring warm clothing with you and waterproofs if you have them. Flat, non slip shoes should be worn and no raised heels.
We do have waterproofs for hire if needed, please arrange in advance.
We would ask that you make sure you are on time for the arranged pick-up, should you be late we will wait no longer than 10 minutes, especially if other passengers will be affected. In the event of you not showing or being late we are under no obligation to re-schedule and no refund will be given. We will not be responsible for any additional costs incurred to you or your party as a result of a missed departure. In the event that we have to wait to prevent persons being left behind, this will only be done with communication and agreement to the delay and additional charges may be made.
The decision to travel with us and any consequences of participating in any trip with us is done so entirely at the passengers own risk. We do not accept any liability for personal injury and/or loss or damage to personal items clothing or belongings.
Jekamanzi: Is a 50' Bruce Roberts Design built in 1995, she is a Bermudan cutter and has a pedigree of several trans Atlantic voyages under three previous owners, when I purchased her in 2010 she was in a poor condition and was in need of some major works before starting life anew in Scilly.... she has been extensively refitted over several years and re-launched in 2022.
The name Jekamanzi is Zulu for Dragonfly or Damselfly which lends itself to our logo.
Owner/skipper Paul Lewis born on Scilly and has worked extensively afloat, working for many years as skipper and crew on local boats. Working with Hicks and Sons Paul was engaged in a variety of roles including passenger, freight, postal and Trinity House contracts. Having gained a yachtmaster qualification he skippered the Yacht 'Genesis' for St Martin's Hotel taking guests on sailing day trips, and also undertook numerous yacht deliveries including crossing the Atlantic both ways.
Your Trip With Us
You will be met at the pick up point and fitted for lifejackets and then brought out to Jekamanzi in our tender Once aboard we will give a short safety brief over coffee and talk through our route and what to expect from our trip. We will take a route that should insure that we see a good variety of seabirds, seals and if we are lucky, maybe something rarer .... dolphins, porpoise, basking shark, sun fish and whales, all frequent our archipelago. We will make a couple of stops during the day and you will be given the option to land ashore on an uninhabited island to explore and stretch your legs.
Lunch can either be served on board or ashore, at your choice, this will be followed by an afternoon sail and return to your drop off point.
Jekamanzi is fully licenced to serve alcoholic drinks however this is only intended as an accompaniment to your day, excessive drinking will not be permitted .
Jekamanzi is licenced to carry eight passengers but we limit our day trips to four people a day, this is to ensure we are able to give you the best experience and make the sailing more comfortable for all. We may, by prior arrangement, take more people to accommodate a family group.
We are based on St Mary's but off island pick ups can be arranged, when tide allows.